Become a Referee
You can make a difference!!!
Every year we have more matches than we have officials, with pressing need for additional referees in Eastern Washington, the Idaho panhandle, and Central & Southern Oregon. Growth in the youth game is tremendous, but we haven't seen similar growth in the number of officials. If you've got a passion for Rugby consider picking up the whistle - without Match Officials, none of us get to play.
To join PNRRS please follow these steps:
All referees must have completed a World Rugby Level 1 referee course. If you don’t have this certification look on the USA Rugby course calendar to find a course to attend.
Register with USA Rugby and pay the annual fee. You will need to create a Rugby Xplorer (RX) account, then search for the club Pacific North West Referees.
Complete the required USA Rugby courses - SafeSport (if over 18) and Rugby’s Safety Basics.
Register in PNRRS’ Match Facts system. You will need to create a Match Facts account, then search for Pacific Northwest RRS.
If you want to be paid via direct deposit set up a Stripe account (go to My Profile in Match Facts).
Contact the allocator for your region to discuss your refereeing level and the types of matches that would be appropriate for you. Also contact the referee development officer for your region to discuss your referee goals.
Add your availability in Match Facts so your allocator knows when you can (and can’t) referee.
USA Rugby and PNRRS registrations must be renewed by September each year. SafeSport certification lasts 1 year.