Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does this organization work?
A: PNRRS is an entirely volunteer organization. In short, the PNRRS Chairman is responsible for managing all Society functions and specifically is tasked with overseeing referee training and development. The Vice-Chairman is responsible for coordinating schedules and allocating referees and referee coaches to matches. Each major geographic area within the Society’s territory (Oregon, Washington, and Idaho) has a Referee Development Officer (RDO) and an Allocator who work with the Chair and Vice-Chair to develop referee skills and assign referees to appropriate level matches in their area. The Past Chair, Treasurer, and Communications Director are responsible for operations, such as the website, memberships, invoicing, and relationships with other referee societies. The Society’s organizing documents and other resources are posted on the PNRRS website under the About PNRRS tab at We have more things to lift than available hands so please contact us if you are able to contribute time to our cause.

Q: How do I contact PNRRS?
A: Contact information for Board Members is here.

Q: How do I know who is scheduled to referee a game? How can I contact a referee allocated to a game?
A: All match assignments are posted here. Contact details of match officials are included in emails from Match Facts to coaches and match officials

Q: So how do I become a referee? Can anybody referee?
A: It is possible for almost anyone to learn how to referee, but rugby is a complex game and refereeing takes training. PNRRS will not assign anyone to referee a match unless they are a member of USA Rugby and have been certified as a Level 1 Rugby Referee. More information can be found on the USA Rugby website or contact us.

Q: How do I fill out a match report? When do I need to have a match report complete?
A: It is vital that every referee file a match report as soon as possible after the match is completed so clubs and leagues can get timely scores and, where appropriate, any disciplinary reports. If a match report is not filed within 7 days of the match ending no payment will be made to the match official. All match reports are completed in Match Facts and referees will receive email and text message reminders.

Q: What if I think a player may have been disciplined or was injured in a prior match; should I let them play? What if I think a player should not play?
A: It is the duty of the leagues and coaches to monitor their players, not the referee. That said, if you feel it is not safe for a player to participate, take steps you feel are appropriate for player safety (e.g. talk with the player, the coach, and trainers). If you question a player’s fitness to safely participate, send them off the field. They may come back if cut and it’s patched up but if you feel it would not be safe for them to play, send them off. If you have questions about a player’s eligibility to participate for other reasons (eg. you issued a red card to the player the previous week), let the coach know you will be noting that in your match report.

Q: How do referees get paid?
A: See the Referee Reimbursement Policy

Q: Are referees reimbursed for travel expenses?
A: See the Referee Reimbursement Policy