AR Online Course Available!

After a law interpretation check with World Rugby and the inevitable last minute edits, the Assistant Referee online learning modules are live!

Access them in the RugbyX Learning Center through Rugby Xplorer (can be accessed through

=> Log in (upper right hand corner)

=> Learning Center (menu on the left)

=> Course Catalog (center box)

=> USA Rugby Online Courses (scroll down to the 3rd group, after Level 1 and Level 2 Courses)

=> Level 1 Assistant Referee

=> Click "Enroll", then "Start Learning Now"

Scroll down further to find the recording from Amelia Luciano's excellent AR presentation as well as all our previous National Monthly Webinars.

These modules are best completed on a laptop/desktop. If you must use your phone, you may be prompted to download the Go Learn app; decline that and complete the course in your browser.

To receive the course for FREE, you must ENROLL by December 31st. Once you start the course, you have 25 days to complete it. You do not need to complete the course in one sitting - your progress will be saved as you go, and your expiration date will be displayed on the course thumbnail under "My Courses and Learning Plans".

Starting January 1, access to the course will cost $20.

In the January 2 National Webinar (8:30PM Eastern), we'll give more information/answer questions if needed.

Serendipitously, the topic January 2nd is "Lineouts: Pro Tips for Set Up. When to manage, when to penalize." with MLR match officials Austin Reed and Jarrod Ford returning to present.


L1 Ref Courses in the Pacific Northwest


New kit available!