Return to play guidelines
The TL:DR version.
Based on what we can currently tell from the various sources. No group training for at least 3 more weeks, likely longer. At least 6 weeks before we can play a competitive match in Washington. It looks like for Idaho, the soonest possible date for training will be June 13th. For Oregon, there will be a minimum of 3 more weeks before any trainings can occur.
USA Rugby just released their return to play protocols, so I thought it'd be useful to gather all the data from the various sources into one place, and try and put a summary together as to what it means.
Adding Lee and Steve to this group as their perspectives may have additional insight.
1) World Rugby.
Have issued a Return to play document. ( of detail in there, but essentially says 'do whatever your local public health folks tell you to do'. There is some additional advice for coaches and team managers on working with teams.
Have issued Covid-19 programs for Coaches / Players and Administrators ( It's a bit of a pain to take, but it you already have coaching or medical certs and can sign in to the World Rugby "passport" site, it's well worth while. I am certified in both programs on behalf of the club - certs attached to end of email in case we need 'em.
2) USA Rugby.
Detailed documentation here
Talks about several stages of return to play, and we need to link them to our PH requirements.
Right Now it appears that we're in their "Stage 2" in Washington, which basically means no group trainings and everything is done virtually. Most important, CIPP Insurance is not valid during this time.
The document also provides some interesting checklists for when we finally do get back to group activities.
Group training, covered by CIPP Insurance may restart in Stage 3, Scrimmages in Stage 4, and Competition in Stage 5
3) Washington State.
WA State dept. of Health is also providing staged guidelines on return to normal activity; they have some specific targets to hit between each stage, that seem logical, and each stage is at least 3 weeks in length. (Details here
Different counties in WA can be on different stages based on these criteria. Currently, all the counties in Tacoma to Bellingham are in Phase 1 ( Phase 1 is stay inside / stay healthy, limited return to work phase.
Phase 3 is where it's interesting for us as that allows group activities (i.e. training) of 50 people. That is at least 3 weeks away, more likely longer.
Details on statewide measurements of each of the criteria can be found here (
4) Rugby Canada.
No information on return to play currently obvious on their web site; last relevant article is an indefinite suspension of sanctioned activity.
5) BC Rugby.
No Updated information on their web site.
Current Status - USA Rugby Stage 2 / WA State Guidelines Phase 1 => no group activities.
Note that while we could potentially play a contact rugby match during phase 3 of WA State guidelines, this appears to equate to USAR Stage 4, and be restricted by them to intra squad scrimmages.
USAR and WA State guidelines line up again around USAR Stage5 and WA State Phase 4, which would allow lightly restricted normal public gatherings. According to current WA state requirements, this is at least 9 weeks away (3 phases @ 3 weeks each), which would be early August for us. Re-opening of the Canadian border is unclear as it's under Federal and Canadian jurisdiction; our federal administrations is providing conflicting indicators by pushing a return to opening the states, but adding more restrictions on international travel...
We hope this is useful - I'll try and update it as other sources come in and we get more information.