A note about Covid-19

I know there is increasing concern about the spread of COVID 19 throughout Washington and Oregon (as of the time of this email, Idaho has no reported cases).  The president of PNRFU, Jill Williamson, has been in contact with Washington State Department of Health, and at this time, there is not sufficient cause to cancel or advise the cancellation of games and matches throughout PNRFU.  At this time, it is important not to panic, but still take the time to make thoughtful well-informed decisions. There are a variety of risk factors, which, when applied to your individual circumstances, or the circumstances of teams and clubs, may mean it is wise to avoid games you are scheduled to officiate.Please contact Geoff Freeman (pnrrschair@gmail.com) to let him know if you are canceling, so we can track the issue. We will work with you to notify the teams and determine a solution. 

Safety of our officials and the rugby community is paramount.  So please read the below carefully, and decide what the right actions are for you.   If you do need to decline an allocation, please communicate as soon as possible with the teams and PNRRS.  


  • Symptoms of COVID 19 are: Fever, cough, shortness of breath.  

  • Please do not go to practice or games if:

    • You have symptoms and have not been cleared by a health care provider

    • You have been close contact within 14 days with someone who has COVID 19, or has symptoms of COVID 19 and hasn’t been cleared by a healthcare provider.

    • You are considered high risk: over 60, underlying health problems such as heart or lung disease or diabetes, weakened immune system, pregnant.

  • The Washington Department of Health recommends that anyone who has returned from travel to China since February 2 should stay home, away from others, and monitor your health for 14 days.

  • If your team has been in close contact with someone who has COVID 19, or someone with symptoms who hasn’t been cleared by a healthcare provider, seek medical advice about whether to cancel practices, or reschedule games.

  • If someone on your team has been confirmed with COVID 19 please coordinate with public health officials to determine who needs to be notified, and what additional steps should be taken.  PNRRS and PNRFU will assist in any way possible. 

  • As of this afternoon (March 04), King County Department of Health recommends considering cancelling events and gatherings.  They do not recommend closing schools unless there is a confirmed case in the school as children are not high risk.  https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/health/communicable-diseases/disease-control/novel-coronavirus/protection.aspx

Other tips:

  • Wash your hands.  Lots.  

  • Don’t share water bottles, whistles, etc.  

Stay safe out there.

Geoff Freeman


COVID-19 update


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